For 35 years, Médecins du Monde has been fighting to provide access to care for the most vulnerable, which by definition means children in particular. In 2015, the association wished to speak for the first time on this subject.
The campaign proposed starting from a strong and universal truth about childhood: the fear of doctors.
To emerge and speak differently about a recurring cause for NGOs, the campaign reverses the codes of humanitarian communication.
In a first teasing phase, the campaign shows children in tears, as can be seen in many NGO campaigns. But a shocking order accompanies them: #MAKEACHILDCRY.
After having aroused many reactions, Médecins du Monde reveals its true message in a second phase: a crying child is a child being treated. And to make a maximum of children cry, Médecins du Monde needs your donations.

By relying on a universal fact, the fear of children in front of the doctor, the campaign is moving away from the simple observation of suffering to highlight the action of Médecins du Monde in the field.
An increase in donations of 10% compared to the same period in the previous year. 200 press articles. 10000 tweets. A reach of 7 million people. 1 million views. 40000 visitors on the site. 15000 followers on @Mdm.
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